Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day of Cleansing....or HELL (however you want to look at it)

I am going to add to this post today as the day progresses.

I am on my 3rd clear liquid and I just had ONE jello for breakfast.  I think I am going to die.  JELLO??  When do you eat jello?  When you're sick?  I NEVER eat needs cool whip and a graham cracker crust to be desirable to me.  

Just tried green Powerade...Good God...terrible.  Cleaning house to keep busy. Wishing I had a freaking job so I wouldn't be totally consumed with food.  I think I may feel don't want to clean :-/ mixing the "MoviPrep" so that I can refrigerate it.  Supposedly, it goes down better when cold?  Friends have told me to chase it with Sprite...I choose's a clear liquid people!!  Just saying

Alrighty then...just tried some Chicken broth...NO.  Terrible.  Chicken broth should have potatoes , noodles, actual CHICKEN, and carrots maybe. Threw that into the sink.  Having another jello.  Gotta go get more crystal meth...I mean, light!!!  hahahaha!  lighten up people!  I am getting punchy and maybe just a tad...grumpy.  yup, I am irritated and I haven't started THE DRINK yet.  Gonna get rough in 4 hours....

5pm~ Let the games begin!  Oh GAWDDDDDDD!  It tastes like shit.

Seriously?  2013..put a robot on MARS but they can't make this crap taste like a Mai Tai?

I probably won't be blogging for a goes

1 comment:

  1. Dd they say anything about vodka specifically? I say go for it! It's made from natural ingredients, right?
